Would you like to improve your value, confidence, and effectiveness in the shot peening process? The Electronics Inc. Shot Peening Workshop may be the ideal solution for you…
In 1995, Jack Champaigne, President of Electronics Inc. (EI), developed an Almen strip grading system to help EI’s customers select strips that would accurately meet public and private specifications…
Preventing rust on Almen strips is easy because Electronics Inc. does most of the work for you. Electronics Inc. puts two pieces of VCI paper in every 50-piece box of Almen strips. Almen strips sold in bulk are…
Pre-bow, or the variation from “perfect” flatness in the unpeened Almen strip, acts like a latent bias in the arc height measuring system and distorts the arc height reading. Arc height readings will not be accurate if…
Media. Intensity. Coverage. If you’re new to shot peening, understanding these three parts of the shot peening process will go a long way to guaranteeing…