Calibration Step Blocks for in-house Almen gage calibration are sold individually ($2330.00 each) as well as with the complete Calibration Kit and the Step Block Set.
Select Inch or Millimeter measurement.
CPN Inches
972005 .005″
972010 .010″
972015 .015″
972020 .020″
972025 .025″
972005 .005″
972010 .010″
972015 .015″
972020 .020″
972025 .025″
CPN Metric
972032 .2 mm
972033 .3 mm
972034 .4 mm
972035 .5 mm
972036 .6 mm
972032 .2 mm
972033 .3 mm
972034 .4 mm
972035 .5 mm
972036 .6 mm