Since 2007, Electronics Inc. has conducted quality control tests on the EI Almen strips to ensure their consistency in thickness, hardness, and flatness. The purpose of the testing program is to verify that the strips will perform consistently, from lot to lot, from year to year.
Sample sizes of 39 to 40 strips are used in the test cycles. The prebow of each strip is measured and recorded. After every test cycle in an air blast cabinet, the arc heights are measured on a calibrated Almen gage and the prebow compensation is applied. The values are put into histograms for analysis.
The histograms created since 2007 exhibit nearly identical lot-to-lot arc height results, thereby verifying the consistency of the strips.
Download the 2017 results here. To read more about the testing program and view test results from 2007 to 2017, click on “Additional Information” at